Here's just a small sampling of how we can work together:


Nutritional Therapy

As a nutritional therapy practitioner, I look at the entire body and its inter-connectedness.  I aim to find the root cause of chronic symptoms.  Whether it's heartburn, bloating, mood swings, hormonal issues, anxiety, depression, addiction, weight gain, autoimmune disorders, or other chronic symptoms, I will investigate to find the underlying issue.



I work with clients one-to-one and in groups, to educate, empower, and assist you in your journey to health.  No one body is the same. I learn about your health goals, and we develop a plan to reach them.   

My Approach

I work with clients to tap into the innate intelligence of their bodies to determine any functional weaknesses.  As a team, we then work together to address these weaknesses through diet, lifestyle changes, and supplementation to bring the body back into balance and restore foundational health.